Exhibition – NCSC/Science/Etc
“Exhibitions” : With a view to encourage, popularise and inculcate scientific temper among its more than 12 lakh children, KVS organises Annual Science Exhibition (Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani) at three different levels. On NCSC, children showcase their talents and discuss the application of Science and Mathematics in different areas related to everyday life.
In order to develop critical thinking about various national and global issues to maintain healthy and sustainable societies, children in the KVS ecosystem are provided opportunities to present their original scientific ideas through the platform of the National Children Science Congress and Inspire Manak Awards.
KS selects 42 exemplary and promising projects out of 449 creative and innovative projects from 25 regions, including three CSWN category projects, for further participation at the National Level NCSC.
From Kendriya vidyalaya Almora many students are selected for NCSC every year for reginal and national level.
Every year many students are selected from kendriya vidyalaya almora for INSPIRE award and got prize money